Filters & Strainers
Filters & Strainers are widely used to protect equipment including valves, pumps and meters. They eliminate harmful debris or similar matter by mechanically preventing such debris from proceeding further.
Filters /strainers may be temporary, for initial pipeline commissioning. On completion of commissioning these filters are removed, having taken all major debris out of the system. These tend to be coarse strainers. Permanent filters/strainers can be in-line Y-type, mono/basket type and duplex type. All types have their specific advantages, and we can assist in choosing correct filter for your application.
We also supply self-cleaning filters which allow processes to proceed without any interruption, even when baskets are contaminated and need cleaning. These typically employ a backwashing sequence, and are ideal for certain continuous operations.
Supply Partner
P +353 51 852669
M +353 87 2369818
ValCo Engineering Ltd,
Alpha 5 Cessna Avenue,
Waterford Airport Business Park,
Co. Waterford
X91 A5YV